Securing Your Mortgage Today For Your Future Tomorrow
Securing Your Mortgage Today
For Your Future Tomorrow


Help - Select A Topic Below

  1. I Can Not Find My Username And Password?
  2. My Contact Information Is Incorrect, How Do I Correct It?
  3. Why Doesn't My Username And Password Work After Submitting The Request Form?
  4. How Can I Be Removed From Your Mailing List?
I Can Not Find My Username and Password?

This site is designed to be used by people who have received one of our letters in the mail. If you have reached this site through an internet search or by any other means and you are interested in talking to a licensed agent about mortgage protection insurance, simply e-mail us your name and contact information at the following e-mail address: questions@oursecurefamily.com

If you have received one of our letters, the username and password is printed directly on the letter (near the top right hand corner of the page). The following image will show you where the username and password are located.


My Contact Information Is Incorrect, How Do I Correct It?

Once logged in, click on the "Request Form" link. Near the top of the page, you will notice a box that has your incorrect contact information. Click the "modify" button. After clicking the modify button, you will be able to directly edit the contact information. In order for your changes to take effect, you must also complete the form directly below the contact information (at least one valid phone number is required). Once you click on the button that says "Request Information", your contact information will be updated and a licensed agent will contact you.

Why Doesn't My Username And Password Work After Submitting The Request Form?

For security purposes, once you submit your request form your login information is removed from our database.

How Can I Be Removed From Your Mailing List?

To be removed from our mailing list, click the "Opt Out" link found at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions on the succeeding page (you must be logged in to Opt Out).